Quick Wellness Checklist for Busy People
Jan 02, 2024
Start the new year with a unique approach to wellness that goes beyond the cliches of "never miss a Monday" and "clean eating." This approach focuses on the whole body, not just one aspect.
The first few months of the year are saturated with wellness advice. From "never miss a Monday" to "Clean eating challenges" and I'm not here to cram more of that into your feed.
I AM here to share some of the unique and rarely talked about wellness things that have worked for our family and our clients over the past 11 years and the things we get asked about the most from friends and colleagues.
Here is a short but smart list that The Lion's Garden™ Coaching and Consulting Group (the new name for our coaching and consulting services) has compiled for you - in no particular order:
Prioritize rest - You're not being lazy. Your body and your brain need to recharge so give rest the time and attention you need.
Rate your energy- and decide if an upcoming event will drain you or fill you up. Make adjustments to your commitments accordingly. AKA say "no thank you" to things, people and events that drain you instead of sucking it up and going because you feel you have to.
Protect your energy - pause before jumping into social or business events or partnerships. Remember how you rated your energy with this upcoming opportunity do not keep on saying yes if it drains you. This is mentioned twice because of how incredibly important it is.
Get outside- even if you have 10 minutes between calls, meetings or before the kids hop off of the bus. Go sit in the sun, walk in the yard, hug a tree, and allow the sun to kiss your cheek.
Sweat- whether it's in the sauna or at the gym or on a walk around the yard. Exercise or get to sweating at least 3 times weekly.
Nurture- do more of what brings joy to your heart and have fun doing it.
These are simple ways you can make wellness a daily priority in your busy life.
Visit us at www.thelionsgarden.com for more simple lifestyle and leadership guidance for busy people.
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