IN the Moment With my Dad
Mar 21, 2022Today’s episode of Adventures with Annie Peguero is a very special and SURPRISING one!

Listen as I interview my father, Fiore Leone. My Dad was born in 1933 to Italian immigrants in Erie, Pennsylvania.
CLICK HERE to listen.

In this episode, my dad talks about "always searching for more- something I've never heard him say before- I realized I have done this too and my guess is you have also. It's normal- there's nothing wrong with us! This is a reminder that everything is always working out for you.
He shares the challenges, struggles and victories of growing up in the 30s and 40s and the decisions he made that lead to a lifelong career helping communities and people as an elected official in Pennsylvania.
He shares the difficulties of seeing his friends choose differently and end up in prison.

I’m honored to share my father with you.
Episode 67 of Adventures with Annie Peguero is up now in all the podcast places and at Annie Peguero Dot Com.

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Your Success Coach
Annie Peguero
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